Hazardous waste sludge

Is the sludge hazardous? Many people have such doubts. The following is an explanation of whether the sludge is dangerous or not, for your reference!

1. The public sewage treatment plant used solely for the treatment of urban domestic sewage, the sludge produced by it usually has no dangerous characteristics and can be used as general solid waste management;

2. Sludge from treatment facilities that specialize in the treatment of industrial wastewater (or a small amount of domestic sewage at the same time) may have hazardous characteristics and should be in accordance with the National Hazardous Waste List and the National Environmental Protection Standards Hazardous Waste Identification Technical Specification (HJ/ T298-2007) and hazardous waste identification standards for the identification of hazardous properties of sludge;

3. Public sewage treatment plants that treat domestic sewage as the main function, if receiving and treating industrial wastewater, and the industrial wastewater can stably meet the national or local pollutant discharge standards before being discharged into the public sewage treatment system, public sewage The sludge of the treatment plant can be managed in accordance with the provisions of Article 1. However, when there is a major change in the discharge of industrial wastewater, the identification of the hazardous characteristics shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 2;

4. If the enterprise discharges industrial wastewater directly or indirectly outside its legal boundary, the effluent water quality shall comply with national or local pollutant discharge standards; the sludge generated during the wastewater treatment process belongs to the solid waste being generated, and it is dangerous. For the identification of characteristics, samples shall be taken in the wastewater treatment process according to the “Technical Specifications for Identification of Hazardous Wastes”, and the minimum number of samples shall be determined according to the amount of sludge generated.