Divided into five categories according to the waiting, hazardous, material and disposal methods of medical waste: Infectious waste; Damaging waste; Pathological waste; Pharmaceutical waste; Chemical waste.

Infectious waste

Characteristics: Medical wastes that carry pathogenic microorganisms are at risk of spreading infectious diseases. mainly include:

1. Items contaminated by patient’s blood, body fluids, and feces, including:

① Cotton balls, cotton swabs, drainage slivers, gauze and various other dressings;

② Disposable sanitary products, disposable medical supplies and disposable medical devices;

③ Abandoned quilts;

④ Other items contaminated by the patient’s blood, body fluids, and feces.

2. Isolation of domestic waste from infectious disease patients or suspected infectious disease patients admitted by medical institutions;

3. Pathogen’s culture medium, specimens, strains, and virus preservation solution;

4. Various abandoned medical specimens;

5. Discarded blood and serum;

6. Disposable medical supplies and disposable medical devices after use are regarded as infectious waste.

medical waste

Damaged waste

Features: Discarded medical sharps that can stab or cut the human body. Mainly include:

1. Medical needles and suture needles;

2. Various types of medical sharps, including: scalpels, scalpels, skin preparation knives, surgical saws, etc .;

3. Glass slides, glass test tubes, glass ampoules, etc.

Pathological waste

Features: human waste and medical laboratory animal carcasses generated during diagnosis and treatment. Mainly include:

1. Discarded human tissues and organs generated during surgery and other diagnosis and treatment;

2. Tissues and corpses of medical experimental animals;

3. Discarded human tissue and pathological wax blocks after pathological sectioning;

4. Placenta of infectious diseases, suspected infectious diseases and infectious diseases of unexpected causes;

advantages of medical wastes

Pharmaceutical waste

Features: Obsolete medicines that are out of date, obsolete, deteriorated or contaminated. Mainly include:

1. Discarded generic drugs, such as antibiotics and over-the-counter drugs;

2. Discarded cytotoxic drugs and genotoxic drugs, including:

① Carcinogenic drugs, such as thiopurine, phenylbutyric acid mustard, naphthalene mustard, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide, phenylalanine mustard, smelastine, tamoxifen, thiotepa, etc .;

② Suspected carcinogenic drugs, such as: cisplatin, mitomycin, doxorubicin, phenobarbital, etc .;

③ immunosuppressive agents.

3. Discarded vaccines, blood products, etc.

Chemical waste

Features: Waste chemicals that are toxic, corrosive, and flammable and explosive. Mainly include:

1. Discarded chemical reagents in medical imaging rooms and laboratories;

2. Discarded chemical disinfectants such as peroxyacetic acid and glutaraldehyde;

3. Discarded mercury sphygmomanometers and mercury thermometers.